Welcome to my world!! Life is so worth living.. Its a series of experiences, feelings, thoughts, emotions, memories. This blog is just a series of musings on life or something like it.. random, mystic, sensible, nonsensical, realistic, enjoyable, soulful, thoughtful.. just random life musings.. I do hope you enjoy it!
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Perfect Harmony...
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Letters to self 2
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Aaj shei Falgun,
Rodh ei hawah,
Hawah boye rodh.
Ektu mishti bhaab,
Shei belli Phool
Er gondo hawai .
Aaj Robibar,
Anek golpo anek boi,
Pencil dei hawa aanka,
Ki anondo aakash ei batash ei.
Today is the advent of spring
There is a sun with the breeze
The breeze carries the sun
Bit of sweetness in the air
Gorgeous jasmine flowers
Spread the fragrance in the air
Today is Sunday
Lots of stories and books
Trying to draw the wind with a pencil
So much joy in the sky and wind..
Friday, February 2, 2018
In search of Darcy………
Thursday, February 1, 2018
I will let you in on a mystery, if you are for keeps Been harboring it for days, in my slience habitual denial and hurt held in heaps O...
Anvita always believed in dressing well. Her saree would always be prim and proper, neatly pleated and pined against the blouse. She had 3...
One fine day, I was sitting and staring at the long winding and terribly confusing agreement and thinking on how I would ever get through dr...
Some days stick to your memory as if you relive that day, that moment every day. It began with that frosty glare across the room. The tenaci...